Kosmosky團隊,致力於創造被稱為當今最不尋常和先進的樂器之一的「glückophones / tank drums」(德語中的「glück」意為「幸福」)。
Kosmosky tank drum(宇宙之鼓)不僅僅是一種樂器 - 這是一個用於放鬆、冥想和直覺音樂教育的個人設備。
- 材料:高碳鋼;
- 雙面設計:20舌 - 20個音符(音調);
- "凱爾特樹" 設計;
- 音階 - 森林 (B 大調 + D# 小調)
- 直徑 - 30 厘米 (12 英寸);
- 附送一對槌;
- 附送一個袋子;
- 提供追蹤信息;
- 聲音示例 請見連結 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woVarDDpqwE
Tank drum是一種冥想的花瓣鼓,可幫助您放鬆身心,專注於自己,幻想並穿越內在的世界。

Such a theme results from the cult of the tree of life that was popular with ancient people.
Representing the concept of the Universe in the pagan world view, the tree of life was a combination of different worlds inhabited by all living creatures: gods lived in its branches and crone, its center was people’s home, and evil and ferocious creatures dwelled in its roots.
The tree gave life to any creature and was a map for gods and humans, which they used to travel from one world to another. The structure of the Universe in the shape of a living mighty plant clearly shows us who the master on our planet is, and defines what gives life to mankind.
Tank drum tones/scales can be listened to here. As soon as you place an order, we will contact you for further details
Kosmosky tank drum is not just a musical instrument - this is a personal device for relaxing, meditation, and intuitive musical education.
Our drums are made of high-carbon steel, they have original design and perfect tuning.
- Material: High-carbon steel;
- 2-sided model: 20 tongues - 20 notes (tones);
- "Celtic tree" design;
- Scale - Forest (B major + D# minor)
- Diameter - 30 cm (12");
- A pair of mallets is included;
- A bag is included;
- Providing tracking information;
- ID KSY-11873, KSY-11874